Dagestan information systems to start use "Gostekh" platform
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The digital platform Gostekh developed by the savings Bank of the Russian Federation for interaction of citizens and businesses with government makes it possible to create information systems and services for federal, regional and municipal use. In Dagestan, the project will be implemented as part of the digital transformation strategy of the Republic of Dagestan for the period up to 2024.
“For the purpose of development, an expert group from among the representatives of state authorities, higher educational institutions, commercial enterprises included into the cluster of information and communication organizations of the Republic of Dagestan was created. At present, the draft program has been submitted for approval to the federal executive authorities” - Ramazan Abdullaev, the Advisor to the Minister of Digital Development of the Republic of Dagestan said.
Digital transformation is one of five national targets. The project is being implemented on behalf of Vladimir Putin. Each region must develop a strategy by September 1 this year. It is expected that Gostekh should become a platform for interaction between citizens and business with the state.