At the regular session, the members of the government Council for Development of Agro-Industrial Complex under the Head of Dagestan considered topic of scientific support for import substitution of vegetable seed production.
As to the director of Dagestan Experimental Station, a branch of the All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources named after V.I. Vavilov Kishtili Kurkiev, Dagestan, due to its climatic features, has a good opportunity to conduct seed production of biennial crops, which include carrots, beets, cabbage, onions, by the direct method.
This results in lower costs and higher quality products. “The conditions that exist in the republic are comparable to Italy and Australia, where seeds are currently grown under modern conditions for the world market” - Kurkiev said.
The work on seed production of vegetable crops started several years ago with support of the regional government. This made it possible to more than double the number of seeds. In the future, Dagestan can produce seeds for the whole of Russia. The technology for their cultivation had been worked out time ago.
“Dagestan is one of few Russia’s regions that provide grant support to scientific institutions. The creation of a selection and seed center was our idea, and we will work again on its development at the federal level. At the same time the work to open a grape nursery is underway. It is especially important in the context of sanctions”- the Prime Minister of the Republic Abdulmuslim Abdulmuslimov said.