Ethnic tourism’s prospects in Daghestan presented at Italian forum
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Milan, September 23 /RIA "Dagestan"/ Ethnic tourism’s prospects in Daghestan was presented at the cultural tourism forum named "Russia and Italy" held September 17-20 in Milan, a source in the Daghestan House of Folk Arts of the ministry of culture told RIA "Dagestan". The event is part of the shared Russia’s and Italy’s Year of Tourism (2013-2014) aiming at bettering the image of Russia as a country with favourable tourist environment in countries providing major tourist streams.
At the forum, Russian and Italian regions presented their investment projects. There was also an exhibition of Russian national souvenirs, a conference, some round tables, discussion platforms, thematic sessions, and presentations of investment and tourist potential of Russian and Italian regions. The mission of the events was establishing mutually beneficial economic ties and enlarging inter-regional and international tourist exchange.
The Russian delegation was comprised of officials from the ministry of culture, the federal tourism agency, the ministry of foreign affairs, the Russian tourism union, the largest Russian museums, as well as people of culture, travel agents, investors and media.
Daghestan’s ethnic tourism potential was presented by a deputy minister of culture, director of the Daghestan House of Folk Arts Marita Mugadova. Wood carver Magomedali Magomedaliev from Untsuku region demonstrated products by Untsukul masters and gave a master-class in manufacturing the items at the "Russian National Souvenir" exhibition.