Makhachkala to host Dagestan Forum of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

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Makhachkala, October 28, 2015. In late November, Makhachkala (Dagestan) will host the second Republican Forum of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs "Engineering modernization - basis for the new economy" – a spokesperson of the Ministry for Industry, Trade and Investments of the Republic of Dagestan says.

The Ministry for Industry, Trade and Investments with support of Dagestani Head Ramazan Abdulatipov and the government of the republic are the organizers of the Forum, which will take place on November 26-27. This year, the main events of the Forum will take place in Dagestan State Technical University.

The main theme of the meeting is the innovative development of the regional economy. The participants will discuss the implementation of priority development projects "New Industrialization" and the strategy for the development of engineering and technical potential of the region.

The participants of the series of specific events within the Forum will focus on the modernization of technological base for the industrial enterprises, the creation of conditions and infrastructure for the development of innovative entrepreneurship and the formation of modern standards of engineering education.

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