Rosseti plans to increase capacity of 25 substations by the end of 2024
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Rosseti Northern Caucasus (territorial division of the Federal Grid Company PJSC) plans to increase the capacity of 25 substations in the region by the end of the year.
Apart fr om preparing for the upcoming fall and winter period, the company planned measures to modernize the power grid equipment in the amount of RUB 1.2 billion from its own funds. As part of the program to reduce the risk of power outages for consumers by the end of 2024, it is planned to increase the capacity of 25 substations, including five in Makhachkala, with a total capacity of 562.4 MVA. Additionally, the company will increase the capacity of certain transmission lines.
It is also planned to rebuild 14 electricity supply facilities and three overhead transmission lines in the Republic of Dagestan and the city of Makhachkala by the end of 2024. These actions will increase the total installed capacity of electricity supply facilities from 170 megavolt-amperes (MVA) to 340 MVA, including two substations in Makhachkala wh ere capacity will increase from 41 MVA to 80 MVA.