Khasbulat Youssupov’s exhibition takes place in Museum of Fine Arts

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Makhachkala, March 27, 2015. An exhibition of one of the greatest Dagestani artists Khasbulat Youssupov (1952-2015) named "Khasbulat Youssupov. Life Line." is taking place in the Gamzatova Dagestan Museum of Fine Arts, a source in the museum informed RIA Dagestan.

"Youssupov is well known to both specialists and amateurs of art. In this project, the viewer will see a different Khasbulat - a powerful, multifaceted, vigorous artist. Visitors will also get acquainted with a wide range of his art pieces and trace the transformation of the plastic language and artistic thinking throughout his career.

The artist is a native of Harbuk village, Dakhadayev region. His love for the historical roots and his native Dagestan is seen in his canvases and watercolours. This exhibition features the Harbuk theme - a variety of landscapes showing the severity and beauty of this region, as well as a series of graphs titled "Harbuk motives", his university thesis symbolically named "Harbuk forge" where not only metal is forged, but also the skill, and character.

One more Youssupov appears in his series of family portraits (a self-portrait, a portrait of his father, a portrait of his grandmother and his wife’s grandmother) and in the famous series "Mountain Women" that has really became a legend, because Dagestan art had never seen such a powerful emotional outburst within a given theme. The artist deals with this eternal "feminine" theme in a manly passionate and careful manner preserving all ethnographic features and raising the woman – the mother, the wife, the sister – up to a universal pedestal.

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