"Uchaltan: carved relic of Dagestan" exhibition opens in Derbent
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The opening of an exhibition dedicated to Dagestan woodcarving traditions of the XIX–XX centuries took place at Derbent Museum-Reserve. The exhibition titled "Uchaltan: Carved Relic of Dagestan" presents a collection of household items collected from Akusha History and Folklore Museum and Kuppinsky Paleontology, Archaeology and Folklore Museum.
Over thirty uchaltans from Dagestan showcased at the exhibition highlight the remarkable skill of local carvers. These uchaltans feature intricate decorations featuring ancient symbols of the sun and ornamental plant motifs. In traditional mountain homes, uchaltans served not only as storage containers for kitchen utensils but also held significant cultural and religious importance in the domestic context.
In folklore, the sale or gift of uchaltan was believed to bring misfortune to the household. Uchaltans were placed prominently in the central living area and served as symbols of family prosperity.