Dagestan to increase export volumes to 4.9 million tons by 2024
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According to Ruslan Abaskuliev, an advisor to the Head of Dagestan and director of the regional Export Support Center, the republic achieved remarkable success in the realm of foreign economic engagement in 2024. The total volume of exports supported by the Center amounted to a substantial $4.9 million.
The Export Support Center provided valuable assistance to a total of 13 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). These enterprises actively participated in international fairs, business missions and other initiatives aimed at promoting their products on the global market.
During the course of the year, approximately 10 business missions were organized, including several reverse missions. These initiatives facilitated the expansion of export destinations for Dagestani businesses. Products from the region were showcased in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and the United Arab Emirates, while a delegation from the sultanate Oman visited Dagestan for the first time, further enhancing the region's international presence.