Dagestan authorities establish special Commission to study causes of mass death of seals

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The Chairman of Dagestan Government Abdulmuslim Abdulmuslimov ordered to special Commission for studying the situation after the mass death of the Caspian seal.  The operative staff will be headed by the minister of natural resources and ecology Ibraghim Ibraghimov and will include the representatives of Rosprirodnadzor, Federal Agency for Fishery, Caspian Institute of Biological Resources, scientists and heads of municipalities. "The microbiologists will conduct all the necessary laboratory tests of pathological material of dead animals, bacterial analysis, virological studies" - Abdulmuslimov said at the meeting convened specifically on the issue. Since December 3, 2.5 thousand dead seals have been found along the coast of the Caspian Sea in the republic.

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