Dagestan State University hosts 'Promising Quantum Materials' scientific conference
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Dagestan State University hosts the scientific conference on topical problems of condensed matter physics "Promising Quantum Materials". The event has become an important platform for exchange of experience and knowledge among leading scientists and young researchers working in the field of magnetism, superconductivity and other promising areas of science.
Artem Oganov, Professor at Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) and MISIS, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, shared his achievements in the field of computer-aided design of new materials, thermodynamics and high-pressure chemistry.
Dr Alexander Kvashnin, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, revealed the topic of calculating the properties of new superconductors in the context of the Migdal-Eliashberg theory, and also spoke about the research of polycrystalline and composite materials with the help of AI.
Dr Evgeny Chulkov, Professor at Moscow Tikhonov Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, reported on new topological materials (including AFM top insulators) and 'Rashbovsky' materials. DFT calculations of electronic spectra.
Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics Sultanakhmed Khajimagomedov presented results of his research focusing on the prediction of the critical temperature for nanostructured superconductors based on YBCO. His work established a linear relationship between the doping level (p) and the temperature coefficient of electrical resistance (TCR) for 20 different nanostructured YBCO-based superconducting ceramics.
Aida Rabadanova, a lecturer at DSU's Physics Department reported on the relationship between electrical resistance and thermal deformation of the YBCO lattice during the transition to the superconducting state.
The conference is organized by Dagestan State University, the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Far Eastern Federal University, the Russian Academy of Sciences and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.