"Pre-Mmashuk-2015" launched in Dagestan

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Kizlyar, April 2, 2015. "Predmashuk-2015" was launched in Dagestan on the premises of the Kizlyar Youth Multipurpose Center on Tuesday, the press service of Dagestan ministry of youth affairs told RIA Dagestan.

Opening the conveyor, advisors to the ministry of youth affairs Magomed Abdullayev and Mirza Abbassov noted that the event was part of preparing Dagestan delegation that will participate in the grant competition of the Caucasian Youth Forum "Mashuk-2015" and pre-selecting the best projects for the contest.
"Pre-Mashuk" is there so that the participants have an idea about how to present their projects and earn a grant for it. They also earmarked the "Social engineering" platform for participants who have an idea, but they are not sure as for how to write and submit their project. Representative of Dagestan House of Children's and Youth Organizations of the republican youth ministry Wali Arslanaliev was the speaker to the platform.

The initial stage of "Pre-Mashuk-2015" was attended by over 70 young people from Khasavyurt, Nogai, Babayurt, Kazbek and Kizlyar regions and Yuzhnosukhokumsk city.

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