Russia counts days to anniversary of Derbent

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Makhachkala, July 7, 2015. The Public Corpse of ambassadors of the 2000 anniversary of Derbent started an information campaign “100 days to the anniversary” of the "ancient city of Russia, the celebration of which is scheduled for September 19, 2015.

The essence of the project is that community leaders, the representatives of different social groups, people who command respect and authority in their region or country are photographed with a thematic plates with a number of days remaining before the anniversary of Derbent starts, as well as spoke about the symbolism of the number, specified on the plate.

For example, the member of the Russian Popular Front, retired police colonel Muradis Alidibirov who in August 1999, along with other Dagestanis rose to defend the integrity of the Russian Federation during the invasion of international terrorists into the republic was one of photographed with a plate with the number "99".

The information campaign is a part of the public project "I love Derbent", which began its work on May 21 this year. The representatives of the Public Corpse believe that the project will allow anyone to propagandize the history of the city of Derbent, to acquaint Russian residents with the culture of the republic. Later it may become a good platform for patriotic and civic education of the younger generation.

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