Dagestan and North Ossetian wrestlers to perform at Club World Championship

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Makhachkala, November 29, 2016. The free style wrestlers Ilyas Bekbulatov from Dagestan and Atsamaz Sanakoev from Northern Ossetia will take part in the Club World Championship to be held from November 30 to December 1 in Kyiv.

The representative of Kayakentsky district of Dagestan Ilyas Bekbulatov (65 kg) will defend the colors of the Iranian club "Bimeh Razi", the two-time world championship winner. Its structure also includes the well-known wrestlers Hasan Rahimi, Masood Esmailpur, Alireza Karimi, Parviz Hadi and another Russian - Atsamaz Sanakoev (70 kg) from the Northern Ossetia.

The Championship starts on November 30 with the competition in groups. The finals and the completion for the 3rd place will be held on December 1. The monetary prize fund makes $ 50 thousand, of which $ 25 thousand will be awarded to the winning team, $ 15 and $ 10 thousand to the second and third prize winners respectively.

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