DSTU student wins NCFD combat sambo championship

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Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria, December 23, 2014. Magomed-Habib Nazhmudinov, a student of electronics, telecommunications and multimedia technology department of Dagestan State Technical University, won the North Caucasus Federal District championship in combat sambo in the 57 kg weight, the university press service told RIA Dagestan.

This year again, the NCFD championships in combat sambo was held in the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria – Nalchik. The event brought together athletes, officials from the Russian Sambo Federation, and the Russian national team coaches.

The championships were solemnly opened in the universal sports complex in Nalchik. On Sunday, Kabardino-Balkaria minister of sports, Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling Aslanbek Hushtov hosted the official start of the competition and wished all the participants fair refereeing and good wins at the tournament.

Over 600 athletes from all NCFD regions stepped on the carpets of the universal sports complex.

Now, fresh champion Magomed-Habib Nazhmudinov is preparing for new tournaments, the first one in the row being the national sambo championships.

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