Sports glory museum to be open in Daghestan this year

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Makhachkala, April 2, 2014. Daghestan Sports glory museum will have be opened in the sports complex named after Ali Aliev in Kaspiysk by the end of this year. The representative of the organizing committee has announced it today at the special press conference.

The first deputy of minister of physical culture and sports Zainal Salautdinov reported on completing preliminary work for the organization of the Sports glory museum in Daghestan.

"The museum will be located on the second floor of the Sports Palace named after Ali Aliev. The drafts, models, structural plan of the museum had already been prepared"- Salautdinov said.

According to Salautdinov,  Daghestani  Sports glory museum will accumulate information about the outstanding athletes of Daghestan, exclusive medals, sports equipment and paraphernalia, since the pre-revolutionary period of the Russian history to the present. Besides, the museum will be divided into categories of sports.

About RUR 6 million will be allocated at the creation of Sports Museum and Hall of Fame. A member of the Union of Russian Artists, Honored Artist of Daghestan Gamzat Guseynov was also engaged to design the museum.


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