Dagestan goes for record grape harvest

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Dagestan is known for its fruit-bearing vineyards. The local farmers have so far harvested more than 100,000 tons of fruit. By the time the harvest is over, it may reach 300,000 tons, which would be a new record for the region. So far, about 100,000 tons of grapes have been harvested in Dagestan, accounting for a third of the total fruit harvest in the republic. In 2023, local farmers only harvested 63,000 tons of grapes during the same period.

The chairman of Dagestan government Abdulmuslim Abdulmuslimov believes that the region may break the record for the latest grape harvest. Abdulmuslimov estimates that the harvest could reach almost 300 thousand tons.

Recall, Russia’s Ministry of Finance proposed that Kizlyar Brandy Factory should start growing its own grapes. This would make the factory a complete cycle enterprise, as it would no longer need to rely on market prices for grapes. Instead, the factory would be able to grow its own supply and provide everything it needed.

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