Fish production volume significantly grows in Dagestan

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In 2020 the volume of Caspian fish production in Dagestan increased in 2.2 times compared to 2019 - up to 22.3 thousand tons. During the first quarter of 2021, more than 20 thousand tons of fish were caught in the region reaching the production volume for the entire last year, the deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Dagestan Abdulmuslim Abdulmuslimov said during a meeting on the development of the fishery industry of the republic.

“The indicators are good, but we need to understand the way it affects the economy of the region, how many jobs were created and to define the exact volume of tax receipts", - the top official said.

Abdulmuslimov recalled the implementation of a project for the reconstruction of the Fish Terminal in Makhachkala seaport. Combined with the rebuilding of the fishing fleet, this is expected to increase the fish production. Since the beginning of 2018, Port-Petrovsk LLC invested more than 200 million rubles in the project. 50 jobs were created.

Besides, the Fish Port has developed a project for the organization of primary processing, namely the construction of a shop for shock freezing of freshly caught fish and a warehouse for its subsequent storage. The implementation of the project will also increase the speed of fish transshipment, and, consequently, the volume of production.

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