Gardens on 1,600 hectares planned to be planted in Dagestan in 2015

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Makhachkala, February 25, 2015. This year, they plan to plant 1,600 hectares with young gardens in Dagestan as part of the republican priority development project named "Effective agriculture", deputy Dagestan Prime Minister Sharip Sharipov said in an interview with RIA Dagestan.

Of those, more than 200 hectares will be planted with intensive-crop gardens. They also plan to build greenhouses on 9 hectares in the republic this year. Dagestan Head Ramazan Abdulatipov has declared 2015 the year of gardening, which suggests that this industry is a priority.

Sh. Sharipov notes the country annually imports more than 6 million tons of fruit, which makes the domestic market quite huge; accordingly, the republic has a good opportunity to greatly contribute to implementing the import substitution program.

The official pointed out that to have a successful gardening year, they need to implement a package of measures to stimulate horticulture - from taking stock of the gardens and restoring nurseries to handling the harvest.

In 2014, they planted new gardens on 1,168 hectares, in particular - more than 1,122 hectares of regular gardens and more than 45 hectares of intensive-crop gardens. Since 2011, over 5,000 hectares have been planted with young gardens. Last year, Dagestani gardeners collected about 121,000 tons of fruit.

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