Head of Dagestan proposes "Gazprom" to build CNG plant in region

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The proposal has been voiced by the Head of Dagestan Sergei Melikov at a meeting on the development of the gas motor fuel market held in Krasnodar Territory. "We ask the company to support region in the issue of CNG plant construction. For this purpose, we will provide the industrial parks and the Territory Of Advanced Socio-Economic Development", - Melikov appealed to Viktor Zubkov, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Gazprom".

Zubkov, in turn, in case of an "official invitation" promised to visit the republic and consider the issues. "The construction of the plant and development of the CNG stations network in the republic should go in sync", - Melikov said. As to him, there are 17 methane filling stations operating in Dagestan. About 20% of the total number of vehicles are running on natural gas. This figure is gradually growing.

According to the head of the republic, 24 CNG filling stations are planned to be put into operation in Dagestan by 2025. According to Melikov, these facilities are in strong need along the North-South transport corridor.

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