Dagestan authorities announce republican contest for best song about heroes of Special Military Operation

The "Motherland, name your sons" creative contest is held within the framework of the project "Alive, covered with glory", supported by the grant of the Dagestani Head. The organizer of the event is the project manager Maryam Taymazova, a member of the republican organization "Writers of the Caucasus" and the Union of Russian Writers.

All necessary information about the contest is published on the official website of the Caucasian Writers’ Club pisateli-kavkaz.ru. The contest application may be sent to rdkonkurs@yandex.ru fr om the day of the contest announcement till April 01, 2024. The results of the contest will be announced on April 15.
From April 20 to June 01, 2024 the composers will work on the winning texts. From June to September 2024 the songs will get their performers. The competition will be held in the following categories

- Song in native language
- Song in Russian

The age of participants: from 14 years old with no age lim it. There are no geographical restrictions. A contestant has the right to apply for each of the nominations with a separate application for each; he/she may submit 1-3 works in each nomination. The winners will receive diplomas and valuable gifts.The jury consists of the representatives of the Caucasian Writers’ Club, the Union of Composers of Dagestan and a vocal specialist.

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