“Nostalgia. City 1857” exhibition opens in Poetry Theater
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The solo exhibition "Nostalgia. City 1857" by Elizaveta Kuznetsova-Askhabova and Nasibat Ulubieva will open in the gallery of the Poetry Theater in Makhachkala on September 3. Yelizaveta Kuznetsova-Askhabova and Nasibat Ulubieva are artists-painters, graduates of Natalia Savelieva Painting Workshop of Dagestan Art School named after M.-A. Dzhemal and the painting workshop of Professor Abdulzagir Musaev of the Art-Graphic Faculty at Dagestan State Pedagogical University named after R. Gamzatov.
The solo exhibition "Nostalgia. City 1857" is dedicated to the artist's native city - Makhachkala, which was known as Port-Petrovskoe until 1921. The exhibition explores the old streets, pre-revolutionary buildings and the spirit of this town. The works on display reflect the decades-long history of the city, including the rapidly disappearing old architecture. They show the local residents and their daily lives with love and warmth, capturing the essence of this unique place.
Ekaterina Didkovskaya, the exhibition organizer and chairman of Dagestan branch of the Russian Union of Artists, has curated this exhibition with great care and attention to details. She has brought together a diverse collection of works of art that show the rich cultural heritage of Makhachkala.
Besides, the opening of the exhibition will feature a lecture titled "The City of 1857" by Kairav Kagermanov and Gadzhimurad Pashayev. For many years, Kairav and Gadzhimurad have been collecting antiques, photographs and stories about their city to create a mini-museum. At the lecture, they will talk about Petrovsk and Makhachkala, the buildings depicted in the paintings of Elizaveta Kuznetsova-Askhabova and Nasibat Ulubieva and share memories from the citizens.