Makhachkala, August 9, 2016. The “RIF.Kavkaz 2016 Forum” in Dagestan will bring together a great number of mass media representatives and communication experts. Among them - Tatiana Ivanova, the founder of the popular blog helloblogger.ru, the expert who knows almost everything about the blogosphere. She will share her experience online with Forum observers.
- Tatyana, tell us, please, how did you come to blogging and why did you start blogging. Did you want to become popular, to earn extra money, or just to unburden yourself?
- My blog has grown out of my profession. Previously, I was a journalist who worked with a number of glossy magazines, but at some point, I realized my wish to expand the scope of my interests and to write interesting articles about people. I really enjoyed interviewing. By the way, my blog is generally consisted of the interviews with various people who do interesting projects. At the same time, my friends told me: "Tanya, you're such a great blogger. Will you help us to find other bloggers?” I realized that, there was not a convenient platform for bloggers. I found a “Bloglovin” project, but it was not very popular in Russia. More precisely, it was popular among fashion-bloggers. Thus, the public platform “Hello, blogger” appeared. Over time, we transformed it into a website.
- You're developing so many interesting projects that I have a question - how do you make it in time? Do you carefully schedule each day or let the things take their course?
- All those who say that they strictly manage time, in other words, schedule all day long, in fact, they tell lies. We create an illusion of incredible success in the social networks, and out of social media we tear our hair out because we need more time to manage everything. I'm just like everyone and I have a lot of things to do, but I try to arrange my working day and the working hours of my employees by means of time-management, but it is problematic with the volume of activities I participate in.
- I would like to learn more about the project “Hello, blogger”. What inspired you to create it?
- As I have already said, the creation of this project was inspired by the need of my friends who often ask me: "What could I read so interesting?" or "Where can I find an interesting blogger?" Then we decided to create a public site, posted the publications of interesting bloggers and people saw an opportunity to find each other.
- How measure the success of a blogger: the number of subscribers and the likes? Alternatively, proposals for cooperation?
- I think in total. For example, now I see some very good bloggers who do not have millions of followers, but at the same time, they are incredibly in demand fr om advertisers because they are qualitatively doing their job and have an adequate price tag without tearing deadlines.
- What do you like most about your work?
- As silly as it may sound, but in my job I love my job most of all, because I implement and conceive this project by myself, in fact it is my second child. It gives me an opportunity to realize my ambitions.
- Do you come to Dagestan for the first time?
- Yes, this is my first trip to Dagestan. I am curious to see what will RIF.Kavkaz 2016 look like. I would like to visit many Dagestani cultural and historical sites, but I am afraid that my schedule doesn’t allow me to do it. Usually I remember only the airport, because it happens like that: I am looking forward to some event, I go there for a few hours and return.
- Can you mention some bloggers fr om the Caucasus?
- I know a blogger from the Caucasus - Ramzan Kadyrov. I doubt if anyone can beat Kadyrov at his activity.
- How do you think, is it necessary to undergo special training for becoming a professional blogger? If so, wh ere?
- It is important to have a great desire, creative thinking, to be sufficiently advanced in modern chips like SMM and Digital, and just to be consistent. I know enough people who want to be bloggers, but nothing do for it. To become a blogger, you do not need so much. You should simply begin to do something.
- What can you advise to newcomers? From what mistakes will you warn them?
- Those who are interested in blogging, I would recommend to look for interesting niche on YouTube. I believe that the audience prefers to watch a video rather than read texts. In practice, it is very difficult become as popular as Sergei Dolya, Tema Lebedev, or Ilya Varlamov. To be a YouTube-blogger is far easier than a good author who writes with good coverage. Besides, all the social networking tools concentrate to ensure that we watch videos than read something!