Caspian fleet to defeat air attacks at maneuvers

Makhachkala, April 11, 2014. The Caspian fleet will cover 4,000 nautical miles and defeat the simulated enemy’s ship convoy during the naval maneuvers, says the press service of the Southern Military District.

The maneuvers have been held on the Caspian Sea range since early April. The ships’ crews work out the tactics of the single ship naval warfare while opposing air forces and offshore forces of a simulated enemy. In total, over 10 surface ships, boats and cutters are working out the sea combat training.

"Performing the mission in the Caspian Sea, the crews will go over 4,000 nautical miles (more than 7,200  km) to fulfill about 100 combat exercises including over 40 combat artillery fires and about 30 countermine warfare tasks. During the naval maneuvers, the Caspian fleet ships will use up to 2,000 pieces of different ammunition and about 170 tons of diesel fuel, "- says the statement.

According to the source, the "Daghestan" missile carrier ship has already finished the ship exercises of repelling an air attack of a simulated enemy aircraft. 2 Su-25 airplanes of the Air Force Command’s air fleet and the Air Defense fleet of the Southern Military District played the role of a simulated enemy. In addition to the air defense exercises, the air crew had an artillery firing at floating mines.

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