Daghestan government meets to discuss a number of critical issues

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Makhachkala, July 2, 2014. On June 30, Daghestan Prime Minister Abdussamadov Gamidov chaired a governmental conference attended by 1st Deputy Prime Minister Anatoly Karibov, Vice-premiers Ramazan Djafarov and Sharip Sharipov, and other heads of ministries and departments, the press service of the Daghestan head and government’s administration reports.

In the beginning, Abdussamad Gamidov said that Daghestan office of the Russian Agricultural Bank has set up an account to fund assistance for refugees from Ukraine. "All Daghestan state-funded organization can transfer their day's wages to support our guests from Ukraine. People are always responsive in situations like that. I think many will want to help the refugees," he said.

Anatoly Karibov then spoke about reviving vocational education and creating educational and industrial plants in Daghestan. Minister of Physical Culture and Sports Magomed Magomedov reported on Daghestan athletes’ preparations for the 31st summer Olympic Games, the 15th summer Paralympic Games of 2016 and the 23rd summer Deaf Sports Games-2017. Minister of Trade, Investment and Enterprise Yussup Umavov enlarged on preparations for the 4th summit of Caspian states scheduled for September 29, 2014 to be held in Daghestan.

Concluding the meeting, Abdussamad Gamidov gave instructions to relevant executive authorities.

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