Director of Land Reclamation Department of Russian Agriculture Ministry Daniil Putyatin arrives in Dagestan for working visit
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Makhachkala, May 21, 2015. Last night, Director of the Department of Land Reclamation of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture Daniil Putyatin arrived in Dagestan for a working visit, the press service of the state-run organization Dagestan Minmeliovodhoz told RIA Dagestan.
The official plans to visit the Bashly farm in Kayakent region where they will sum up the outcome of Dagestan’s participation in the federal program "Development of agricultural land reclamation in Russia for 2014-2020" in the past year. They also have in mind to attend the Dziv-2 company in Gedjukh village, Derbent region to see vineyards with drip irrigation.
Daniil Putyatin will also examine the reconstruction of the main canal and facilities of the Samur-Derbent irrigation system in Derbent and Dagestanskie Ogny.
In Makhachkala, the head of the Land Reclamation Department will inspect renovation facilities of the October Revolution Canal and take part in the conference "Development of hydro-ameliorative complex in Dagestan in the framework of the federal target programs as for land reclamation" which will be held in Dagestan Minmeliovodhoz.
The working trip will finish in Dagestan House of Government where the official will meet with the republic's leadership.