Ramazan Abdulatipov participates in summarizing session of regional development ministry’s board

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Moscow, April 30, 2014. On April 29, as part of his visit to Moscow, Daghestani Head Ramazan Abdulatipov participated in the summarizing session of the Russian Regional Development Ministry’s Board where they summarized the results of the work they had done in 2013 and outlined the key tasks for 2014.

E.g., participants disputed on the results of implementing cross-border cooperation programs, the strategy of Russia’s national policy till 2025, and the state policy as for the Cossacks. They also touched upon issues related to improving local government legislation, the procedure for granting interbudgetary transfers, making Russian regions more investment attractive, and introducing investment standards.

According to Russian Minister of Regional Development Igor Slyunyayev, by the end of 2013, Russia has shown good macroeconomic indicators on the background of the crisis in the global economy.

He also noted that in 2013, the Russian Ministry of Regional Development was implementing 4 state programs: "Regional policy and interregional relations", "Socio-economic development of Kaliningrad region till 2020", "Developing North Caucasus Federal District till 2025", and "Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utility services for Russian citizens". 5 projects to be granted state guarantees had been sel ected, among them was a project of building a plant producing floor tiles and ceramic granite in Daghestan.

Ramazan Abdulatipov noted: "It’s not enough to develop a strategic program. We need it to be integrated into Russian communities and regions. Moreover, we need to measure regions’ well-being. And we need to move fr om a welfare mentality that has spoilt the economy and ruined many lives to a development option.

Thanks to the Russian President and the Russian Ministry of Regional Development, we have quite a fundamental strategy of Russia’s national policy. The kickstart point to it was Vladimir Putin’ article "Russia: National Issue," R. Abdulatipov said. Then, he also touched upon the issue of cross-border cooperation.

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