Rosselkhoznadzor prevents import of approx. 2 thousand tons of regulated products

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In the first quarter of 2024, the regional department of Rosselkhoznadzor (the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision) checked more than 697 thousand tons of plant products in 38899 consignments from Iran, Turkey and other countries imported via the checkpoints on the state border of the Russian Federation IACP "Yarag-Kazmalar", "Tagirkent-Kazmalar", railway station "Derbent", as well as at the warehouse "Viaduk".

In 150 consignments of more than 2 thousand tons 5 types of quarantine harmful objects were detected. The tests confirmed the detection of Western (Californian) flower thrips, South American tomato moth, pepino mosaic virus, tomato fruit brown wrinkle virus and Mediterranean fruit fly. In the course of documentary checks of accompanying documents, violations of legislation pursuant to Article 10.2 of the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation "Violations of the order of import and export of regulated products" were detected in 35 cases. The products were returned to the exporting countries.

As part of the monitoring of regulated products imported into the Russian Federation, 64 samples were sent to Stavropol "Grain Quality Assessment Center" for analysis to determine the content of residual amounts of pesticides. In two cases an excess of active substances was detected, namely imazalil in fresh mandarins from the Republic of Turkey and prochloraz in fresh oranges from the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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