Youth government to be competitively formed in Dagestan

1 минута
Makhachkala, September 20, 2016. A contest for the formation of the new open-ended youth government (OYG) of the republic has been announced by Dagestan Ministry for Affairs of Youth. The contest will be conducted in two stages.

To participate in the first stage, the contenders are register on the site until October 6. Additionally, they are expected to submit a project in one direction - the actual project or system event, which will be implemented in conjunction with the executive authority or to write a draft strategy for efficient cooperation of the OYG with the executive bodies of the republic.

The Youth Affairs Ministry RD accepts personal applications and copies of identity documents and the certificate from the place of study or work. The OYG of Dagestan is the permanent advisory body to the government of the republic created to communicate with the young citizens in the issues of socio-political and socio-economic life.

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