Contractors from Dagestan renovated the Children's Creativity Center in Mikhailovka, Zaporozhskaya region
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Dagestan continues a series of activities to restore socially significant facilities located in the sponsored Mikhailovsky municipal district of Zaporozhskaya region.
According to the regional Ministry of Construction, Dagestan specialists provided assistance in renovating the Center for Children's Creativity in the village of Mikhailovka. The construction team replaced windows, interior doors, poured new floors in the dance class and gymnastics hall.
"Huge thanks to the Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Dagestan for their help, because we couldn't have done it ourselves. They've been a great help to us. Thanks to this we now have light, warm, cozy rooms where the children are engaged with great enthusiasm. The managing staff and the teachers of the vocational school, of course, are much grateful for this and continue their creative work", - the director of the center Galina Nefoda says.