Daghestani freestyle wrestlers to perform at US tournament
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New York, November 10, 2014. Daghestani freestyle wrestlers with the Russian team will participate in an international tournament scheduled to run in the US later in the week, says wrestdag.ru.
It’s a 50-year old event held by one of the leading American clubs - New York Athletic Club. This year’s tournament is commemorating New York club coach Billy Farrell who had headed the US freestyle wrestling team at the 1972 Munich Olympics. Then, 3 American athletes - Dan Gable, Veni Wels and Ben Peterson - won gold medals bringing the US team one of the best results in its history.
Wrestdag.ru says 3 Daghestani wrestlers - Murshid Mutalimov (61 kg), Shikhsaidov Djalilov (65 kg), and Ramazan Shamsudinov (70 kg) are the ones to perform at the tournament in the United States. The Russian team will also be represented by Vladimir Flegontov (61 kg, Yakutia), Murad Nukhkadiev (65 kg, Krasnoyarsk) and Pavel Krivtsov (125 kg, Moscow region).
In 2013, team Russia finished second in the team standings preceded by the hosting team only.