Radjab Butaev to have second fight to qualify for Olympics

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Makhachkala, February 5, 2015. Dagestan boxer Radjab Butaev is going to take part in the team event of the World Series of Boxing (WSB), where in the next round the Russian team will oppose the team of Mexico, athlete’s coach Akhmed Zhanaev said in an interview with RIA Dagestan. The 2 countries will meet February 6 in Samara, Russia.

"Here, WSB is offering tickets for the Olympic Games. After the group stage, the WSB individual rating determines 17 potential holders of Olympic tickets in 10 weights. The Russian team has already held two matches with China (4: 1) and Cuba – (0: 5).

"Radjab participated in the fights with Chinese boxers. In the 69 kg weight he won his bout. Now, he is with his teammates at the Olympic base "Lake Krougloe" in Moscow region, where the athletes are preparing for their meeting with the team of Mexico," - A.Zhanaev said.

The Russian team to oppose Mexico are: Radjab Butaev, Vasiliy Vetkin (52 kg), Adlan Abdurashidov (60 kg), Pavel Silyagin (81 kg), and Maxim Babanin (+91 kg).

April 24, the athletes will have their last game of the regular season for the national Russian team, then they’ll determine potential participants of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

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