Historical amnesia of political leaders: the Victory Day and the spirit of the peoples of Russia
Nariman Asvarov
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Makhachkala, May 29, 2015. The Great Patriotic War was a terrible ordeal and enormous pressure for the entire Soviet people. The everyday fighting in the front and in the rear, military valor and heroic work of the Soviet people, embarked shoulder to shoulder at the cost of life to show the world that there is nothing more valuable than the Motherland - this is the inexhaustible topic, which 70 years later attracted researchers’ attention.
On the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, the history faculty students of DSPU investigated home archives and collected information on loved ones who passed through the Great Patriotic War. The creative search not just united students, but inspired them with new ideas to perpetuate the memory of the generation. All the collected material was posted in the lobby of the Faculty as a sign of respect for the heroic feat of our fathers and grandfathers. Many decades later, people will find even more information about the war, forcing the bow to the courage of our ancestors. The tears well up in the eyes of grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those who took the most terrible war of the 20th century when perceiving the information on the wartime.
A series of events dedicated to the memory of heroes of the Victory flew across the country. The personal memory on the generation of World War II resulted in an unprecedented action "Immortal Regiment" on May 9th 2015. 14 million people marched through the streets of cities with photos of soldiers, whose bright face came alive in our hearts for the eternal memory.
It is impossible to convey in words the atmosphere that reigned in the human manifestations. The whole country rose like a regiment. Never before in the history of any country in the world the ranks of four generations did not united in such a way. It was the pride, the greatness, the memory of Russia, the unity of spirit and the unity of the people who cannot be defeated.
Nowadays, in the XXI century, when appalling and illogic events happen in Ukraine, and fascism revival attempts become more active, some Western politicians, sinning historical amnesia, try to rewrite and to falsify the history of the Second World War. At one of meetings with the representatives of the Youth Public Chamber, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said: "We ... will continue to raise one’s voice against any attempts to condone or even support the revival of neo-Nazi doctrines, indulge those who want to return to the misanthropic philosophy and try to consign to oblivion the terrible sacrifices of the Hitlerism.
... The falsification of history, rewriting the results of the Second World War - all of this stand in line with the attempts to undermine European values that are enshrined in the European forums, including in the framework of the Organization for Security and Cooperation of Europe. "
In the vast information space, the younger generation is in urgent need for the truthful information about the heroism of our fathers and grandfathers. In one of his speeches the President of Russia V.V.Putin, stressing the importance of the issue, said: "In Russia, almost every family has their own evaluation to the war (WWII). The memory on the courage, the heroism of their fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, the pride of the great victory and the pain of irreplaceable loss is transmitted from generation to generation. And there is no need to explain why any attempt to falsify history, the history of the Second World War, the Great Patriotic War, desecration of the memory of the winners – is very badly perceived in the Russian society".
The world leaders representing different states have been invited to take part in the Victory Day celebrations in Moscow. However, some politicians ignored the celebratory events for ideological or any other vague reason having decided ... to sabotage the greatness of Russia. The historians have something to refresh the short historical memory of former allies: separate negotiations with the Third Reich, and the fact that 2 \ 3 of the Wehrmacht was broken on the Soviet-German front, and not as a result of the landing of Allied troops in Normandy and operations in Northern Africa.
Apparently, the United States recalled its dominant position in the world tempted by a resurgent Russia. Japan thought longingly of the Kuril problem, Germany - about Konigsberg, Poland displayed even shorter memory ... Britain and France did not wish to fall foul of the US and use Ukrainian last year's events as a casus belli.
The history will put everything in its place. Even today, the Victory Parade, the procession "Immortal Regiment" unproven demonstrated in recent years the position of Russia, the revival of the state, the integration trends and the high patriotism of heirs of the victory. The new Russia has been supported by the Eurasian Union - Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and other post-Soviet countries, whose leaders also revere the common military memory and with great respect participated in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.
The sanctions policy of the US and Western countries will further intensify the cooperation of Russia with the countries of BRICS, SCO. This geopolitical reversal eastwards benefits not only Russia, but also its business partners - China, India and others. Russia has been and remains a great power, respecting the rights of other States on equal terms. Glory to Russia!