India to start container shipments to Russia via Makhachkala port

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India is poised to commence container shipping to Russia via the ports of Iran and Makhachkala in the foreseeable future. Jamal Aliyev, the director of the Makhachkala seaport, has indicated that in the year 2025, certain types of cargo originating from Belarus, primarily comprising mineral fertilizers, will also be transported to India through the port.

Furthermore, negotiations are currently underway with counterparts from Turkmenistan aimed at enhancing transportation links between Turkmenbashi and Makhachkal. Russian cargo will have the capability to traverse through Turkmenistan, reaching destinations such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan, before returning. This development will establish Makhachkala as a pivotal logistics hub within the framework of the North–South International Transport Corridor in Russia.

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