Russian Investment Forum kicks off in Sochi

1 минута
Sochi, February 27, 2017. Today, February27, the XVI Russian Investment Forum "Sochi - 2017" attended by the country's leadership in the face of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the federal ministers, the regional officials and the representatives of major foreign and domestic companies has started its work in South-Russian city of Sochi.

The delegation of the Republic of Dagestan led by Dagestani Head Ramazan Abdulatipov includes the deputy prime minister Shamil Isayev, the head of the Agency for Entrepreneurship and Investments RD Bashir Magomedov and others.

It should be noted that the Republic of Dagestan presents a project of development of Makhachkala Commercial Seaport. This year the republic has no separate exposition at the exhibition: the model and the design project of the seaport are placed on the stand of the Northern Caucasus Development Corporation.

The project envisages construction of the harbor for cruise ships, yachts and boats, the shore protection infrastructure, the passenger berths, the RoRo berths with facilities for containers, the accumulation area for trailers and the pontoon berths for boats. Besides, the project provides the construction of the maritime station with a capacity of up to 300 people and a hotel complex with 150 beds.

Recall in last year's Forum "Sochi - 2016" Dagestan presented 62 investment projects totaling about 191 billion rubles and 111 investment proposals worth about 209 billion rubles. The Investment Forum - the main business event for the presentation of the investment and economic potential of Russia - will last until February 28, 2017.

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