African catfish to be breeded in Dagestan

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Makhachkala, February 21, 2017. Having studied the experience of Astrakhan region, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Republic of Dagestan made a decision to start breeding African catfish in the republic.

As to the Fisheries Department head of the Ministry Azmat Guseynbekov, the African catfish will feel comfortable in the water bodies of the republic. In summer time, the ponds get overheated in Dagestan. It is necessary to pump water to lower the temperature. The increased water temperatures causes rapid growth of catfish species.

Besides, the African catfish is less fastidious to water quality compared with other fishes. Guseynbekov stressed that the African catfish has strong genetics – the fish has good disease resistance. In the near future, several fish farms located in Kizlyarsky district of Dagestan will start catfish breeding process.

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