Viticulture and winemaking issues discussed in Daghestan parliament

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Makhachkala, April 2, 2014. Today, the chairman of Daghestan National Assembly Khizri Shikhsaidov held a meeting on viticulture and winemaking development, the DNA’s research and information department told RIA "Daghestan". The meeting brought together the deputy Prime Minister Sharip Sharipov, the minister of agriculture and food supply Battal Battalov, his deputy Gaidar Shuaib, MPs, and other officials.

Opening the meeting, Khizri Shikhsaidov pointed out the significance of achieving the preplanned indicators of Daghestan viticulture development.
Participants discussed the availability and quality of the existing planting material. According to the deputy minister, Daghestan has planting materials for 555 hectares of plantations. Serbia’s plant nursering enterprises are ready to supply over 1 million of grafted grape plants of classical European table and technical species to Daghestan.

Khizri Shikhsaidov drew attention to the need for using the planting material of high yield potential. He also pointed to the need for tighter coordination of all involved ministries and agencies.

Daghestan ministry of agriculture and food supply were recommended to develop ideas to ensure implementing the plan targets especially in regions where planting is carried out improperly. They paid particular attention to inadmissibility of unreasonable cancellation of vineyards.

Participants also discussed implementation of melioration measures in both exploited and new vineyards, as well as financing issues and installing the drip irrigation systems.

Summarizing the meeting, Khizri Shikhsaidov once again highlighted the goals set to authorities and winegrowers: to bring the grape yield up to 150,000 tons per year, to increase the area of new vineyards to 4,000 hectares till the end of 2014, and to bring it to 24,000 hectares.
He urged everyone to work hard and in cooperation.

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