Best tourist projects receive monetary grants

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The Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko handed over State Awards for Tourism for 2022 to the authors and winners of ten projects. The top official awarded 1 million rubles to each project. About 130 applications from all over the country were submitted for the government award in the field of tourism this year, which is twice more than last year.

The winners are the projects to develop historical and gastronomic tourism, tourism for people with disabilities, as well as new interactive formats for children and families.

"This award is a huge support to all those working in tourism. For a year of work in this area we have seen that there is a lot of work in this direction in Dagestan. We're far from being perfect" - Aishat Khabibova the head of Dagestan travel agency "White Rock" said.

As to Khabibova, gastronomic, agro-industrial, medical and health, beauty and ethnic tourism are underdeveloped in the region, as well as the tourist routes for people with disabilities are not widespread.

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