Book about Russian teachers’ work in Dagestan to be published in region

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Makhachkala, March 1, 2020. Thanks to grant support in Dagestan, a two-volume book “Russian Teachers in Dagestan” dedicated to teachers who worked in the republic in 1930-1970-s will be published in the republic. Dagestan regional public organization for the protection of rights of women and children, “Commonwealth” won a grant for the publishing the book on Russian Teachers’ work in Dagestan. The amount of grant support amounted to more than 1.8 million rubles. Besides, the project initiators raised additional funds.

The book tells about three thousand Russian teachers who worked in Dagestan in the middle of the 20th century. The book is planned to be published in 2020 with a circulation of 1,000 copies. The media education project received was the winner of the Presidential Grants Fund competition. Currently, the book is ready to be handed in to the printing house. Within the framework of the project, a film about these teachers is being prepared and a performance is staged.

The first book, telling about 150 Russian teachers in Dagestan, was previously published in 300 copies. As to the initiators of the project, thanks to Russian teachers and specialists, the republic made a powerful breakthrough in socio-cultural development in the 1930-1970-s. They plan to distribute the book among the libraries and schools of Dagestan, as well as in other regions of Russia and the CIS countries.

On Teacher’s Day, which is celebrated in October, a public organization plans to organize a procession of schoolchildren and teachers with portraits of their favorite teachers under the slogan “My teacher”.

According to the initiators of the project, in the middle of the last century, more than 17 thousand Russian teachers worked in Dagestan. In memory of them, the memorial plaques were installed in many municipal districts. Dagestan became the first national republic to erect a monument to a Russian teacher. It is located in Makhachkala on Peter I Avenue near the Ak-Gel Lake.

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