Dagestan Cardiological Center operates 9 children with congenital heart disease on charitable funds
Kamilla Ragimkhanova
1 минута
Makhachkala, April 3, 2015. Surgeons of Dagestan Center of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery operated 9 children with congenital heart disease at the expense of the Life Line charity fund, center’s director Osman Makhachev told RIA Dagestan.
"On March 29 and 30 a team of endovascular surgeons of our center with the participation of Russian and foreign experts operated nine children aged 3 to 17 and 8 adult patients with congenital heart disease. The Life Line charity fund financed the X-ray endovascular surgery for the children. The adults were operated on quotas of Dagestan ministry of health," Makhachev enlarged.
All operations were successful and now the patients are preparing for being discharged from hospital. Russian and foreign experts Prof. Paul Gavora (Slovakia), Valentina Shvedunova and Manolis Pursanov of the Bakulev Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery had come to the center to participate in the master class.
Dagestan Center of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery has been performing operations for congenital heart defects not for so long – since October 2014. Back then, 19 patients were operated. Now, the list of patients operated for congenital heart defects includes more than 60 people. The "Life Line" and "Children's Hearts" charitable foundations have been helping the children regain their health.