Daghestan minister of construction inspects reconstruction of Makhachkala airport
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Makhachkala, September 24 /RIA "Dagestan"/ Daghestan minister of construction, architecture and housing services Mussa Mussayev visited the Makhachkala airport and inspected the runway being under reconstruction, the press service of the ministry informed RIA "Dagestan".
The minister held an ad-hoc meeting right at the airport to give instructions enhancing the reconstruction process to follow the approved schedule. "This facility is of strategic importance to the republic. A modern airport with the necessary infrastructure in place will help Daghestan reach a new development level," Mussayev commented.
Further, the minister visited the "Uitash" investment platform and saw the engineering infrastructure and production facilities, the drinking water supply facilities, and the treatment facilities for the effluent discharge. Since August 18, the "Uitash" Makhachkala airport has imposed restrictions on night flights due to renovation. The limited operation is scheduled to run until September 29, when the airport will be temporary closed for a month.
They started reconstructing the airport this spring. The first stage is reconstructing the runway, the taxiway, lighting and power supply of the airport apron, the parking ramp, the lighting equipment, and some other work. The second stage scheduled for 2015 is renovating the apron and the third taxiway.