DSTU hosts project-investment session on introduction of innovative technologies and creation of digital ecosystem
2 минуты
Dagestan State Technological University hosted a project and investment session on the creation of digital platforms and introduction of innovations in the republic. The session was attended by the representatives of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the regional ministries and municipalities, Dagestan Scientific Center RAS, Federal Agrarian Scientific Center, Dagestan State University, Dagestan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, innovative companies, industrial enterprises and farms of the republic.
Opening the event, the DSTU rector Nazim Balamirzoev and rector of Dagestan State Agrarian University Zaidin Dzhambulatov addressed the participants of the session.
Mair Pashayev, moderator of the session, the Head of the Regional Economy Design Center, the author of the republican Strategy-2030, presented a report to the session participants. In his opinion, the movement towards the innovation economy is inevitable and vital for the country: the entire experience of the Soviet period, Russia's scientific base and the current policy of the country's leadership allow us to count on a positive scenario of scientific and technological development.
The Russian President Vladimir Putin pays the closest attention to the development of science, digitalization, artificial intelligence and the introduction of domestic technologies - in general, the fulfillment of the task of achieving the country's technological sovereignty. The Russian government has approved 10 priority areas for ensuring technologic sovereignty.
The Russian government approved 10 priority directions for ensuring technological sovereignty. The advanced technologies, achievements of corporations and regions of the country are widely presented today at the exhibition-forum "Russia".
According to the speaker, the main limitations on the way to a sustainable economy in Dagestan are the low level of human potential utilization and unacceptably low level of industrial production. There is a need for a new industrial policy in the Republic of Dagestan based on advanced scientific and technological achievements and digital platform, supported by state preferences, investment strategies of municipalities, medium-term investment programs of backbone enterprises – Pashayev said.