Rescue squad of Dagestan State Medical University takes III place in inter-university Olympiad in pediatrics
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Makhachkala, October 20, 2019. The First Inter-University Olympiad “Master of Pediatrics-2019”, organized for the 50th anniversary of the pedagogical faculty of Kuban State Medical University has come to the end in the city of Krasnodar.
“Snow Leopard” students’ rescue squad which consisted of five sixth year students of the faculty of pediatrics represented Dagestan State Medical University at the Olympiad. The contest participants competed in theory: a creative competition "determine the diagnosis", a medical quest, and a "competition of clinicians."
Students' practical skills were defined in categories: assistance in emergency conditions, medical history, examination of the patient and the ability to use communication skills. After scoring points, the first place was judged by the hosts of the tournament. The students of Stavropol State Medical University, took the second place. Dagestanis occupied the third level of the podium.