VII All-Russian competition of social advertising "New Look" kicks off

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Makhachkala, January 21, 2016. The VII All-Russian competition of social advertising "New Look" has started January 1, 2016. This is the largest annual youth project in the field of social advertising, which gives young people the opportunity to express their attitude to one or another social problem, and to show how to resolve it, to contribute to the development of social advertising. The contest organizing committee has received over than 33 thousand original author's works for 6 years.

Participants’ works are divided in two categories: social video and social posters on various topics, such as family, love, health, sports, environment, tolerance, security, culture, history, education, profession, etc. The main theme of the contest becomes "Call your parents!" (connection between generations and care for older people).

By tradition, young people 14 to 30 years old of age from Russia, CIS and foreign countries can participate in the competition. Special nomination of 2016 year is "New look through children’ eyes" - for children 7 to 13 years old of age. Young participants with their parents will create a family emblem. The best emblem will become a logo of the new contest category.

The experts in the field of advertising, design and producing, leaders of the largest communications and branding agencies will be the expert council of the competition.

As it reports the Federal Organizing Committee headed by the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Sergei Zheleznyak, consists of political leaders and public figures of Russia.

"The main goal of the social advertising competition" New Look " is to educate the young people, to involve them in the creative activities, to provide opportunities for professional growth, as well as to identify the most pressing social problems among the young people", - the organizer of the contest, the president of the Inter-regional public Fund "World Youth" Yevgeny Martynov said.

The reception of works was extended up to May 31, 2016, The results will be announced in September.

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