Daghestan Ministry of Trade’s exposition displayed at Caspian summit
Djuma Mugutdinova
1 минута
Astrakhan, September 30, 2014. Daghestan Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment is displaying its exposition at the 4th Summit of the Caspian States’ Heads in Astrakhan, the ministry’s press service informed RIA "Dagestan".
The exhibition is located in the Astrakhan Kremlin. Here, the Daghestan court features all economic sectors: industry, tourism, construction, agriculture, and fuel and energy complex.
"Daghestan’s investment passport shows both projects under implementation and investment sites. Today, it’s all about 48 projects worth 196 billion rubles and 96 business ideas totally worth 185 billion rubles. The Daghestan’s image exposure is here to represent the republic as a dynamically developing region of the Russian Federation. The exposition is sure to attract investors to Daghestan," said the source.
The 4th Caspian summit started today in Astrakhan. Presidents of Iran, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Russia will meet here to address the status of the Caspian Sea and international cooperation in the Caspian area. The forum’s agenda includes a wide range of issues related to deepening trade and economic relations, improving the investment climate, expanding cooperation in industry, power economy, agriculture, healthcare and other fields.