Fishing port to be built in Dagestan

Makhachkala, July 19, 2020. Dagestan authorities plan to build a port able to receive 30 fishing vessels and to process catch. The construction will be carried out by the company "Dagrybprom" in Kayakent municipal district, the head of the regional Ministry for Natural Resources and Environment Nabiyula Karachaev said.

It is planned to start the implementation of the project in 2020. Thus, it is expected to install equipment for the primary processing of fish by the end of the year. During the start-up phase the port administration intend to process approx. 100 tons of fish per day and receive up to 300 tons more.

In the future, the port is expected to increase its own capacities to catch and process up to 30 thousand tons of sprat annually. Along with this, in the future, the enterprise will carry out deep fish processing and produce canned fish.
The port will employ 450 people. About one billion rubles will be invested in the project with an implementation period of 2-3 years.

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