Fur farming now developing in Daghestan

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Makhachkala, September 2, 2014. Daghestan is becoming one of the Russian leaders in breeding ice foxes, minks, wolverines and other types of fur. Russian furs have always been popular and sustainably demanded in the domestic and foreign markets.

In 2013, the Russian government adopted a program for developing agriculture which provided support for fur farming. Daghestani farmers say that developing fur farming in the republic is a response to high demand in the domestic market, pricing policy, and market capacity.

Deputy Daghestan Prime Minister Sharip Sharipov and Deputy minister of agriculture and food supply Shamil Bakharchiev visited a few fur farms in Khassavyurt region and went to a fur market to research the industry and see how the state can support it.

The first farm to see was "Rossomakha" (wolverine) managed by Abdula Mallamagomedov where they breed 3 ice fox species – the blue, the veiltail and the shadow (pearl) ice fox. Next to the farm is Magomed Kurbanov’s farm breeding minks (7,500 animals in total). After visiting the farms, the authorities went to the fur market to see the hides and fur products sold.

In an interview with RIA "Dagestan" Sharipov commented: "I am pleased that fur farming is reviving in Daghestan. The farms we have seen today have great development prospects. We need to think what state programs can help them prosper. We will study and try and learn fr om experience of regions wh ere farming is developing." He added that fur products are demanded in our country, especially in the north, therefore the business really seems to be promising and competitive.

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