Abdulmuslimov urges to speed up launch of waste sorting complex in Botlikh district

1 минута
Dagestani prime minister Abdulmuslim Abdulmuslimov has visited the rubbish sorting complex in the village of Botlikh in Botlikhsky municipal district, on Saturday December 17. The top official reminded that in accordance with the instruction of the Russian President Vladimir Putin, given following a meeting with the heads of settlements and the public of Botlikhsky and Tsumadinsky districts in 2018, the construction of the waste sorting complex was completed in the village of Botlikh in 2021.

According to the head of Botlikh district Ruslan Gamzatov, at present the real estate and equipment of the complex were transferred to the municipal ownership of the "Botlikh municipal district". The state registration of municipal ownership of the facilities is carried out. The objects of immovable property have been included into the register of municipal property.

According to Ibraghim Ibraghimov, the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Republic of Dagestan, the facility is included into the territorial scheme of waste management. Still, the facility is not in operation.

Following the results of visit Abdulmuslimov instructed to work out a question of definition of the operating organization and directing solid waste streams to the waste sorting complex for recycling. After carrying out specified actions, the operation of this object according to the current legislation will be allowed.

The calculations of the costs of maintenance and servicing of the waste sorting complex will be provided by the district administration.

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