CNN admits Syria indeed fights against ISIS

3 минуты
CNN correspondent got an exclusive access to the front line of battle against the "Islamic State" in the east of Syria. There, the CNN correspondent became convinced that the Syrian army soldiers, contrary to popular opinion in the US, do not fight with the moderate opposition but to terrorists. Besides, according to the Syrian troops commander, Russia much assists in this fight.

If you doubt that the Russian air strikes have changed the balance of power in this conflict in favor of the Syrian regime, the representatives of the Syrian army claimed that the support of Russia helped to throw IS militants back to deserts. Our report fr om the front line, where the Syrian regime forces are fighting against the IS in the east of Syria. CNN correspondent Fred Plyaytgen got exclusive access.

In the east of Syria, in the desert near the borders of the self-proclaimed caliphate, the Syrian army is preparing its artillery, tanks and armored personnel carriers were dug.
FRED PLYAYTGEN, CNN correspondent: We're at the very front line, wh ere the Syrian military are fighting against the IS. The soldiers told us that the position of IS militants are just a few miles from here.

The chief officer of Syrian army in the area told CNN, that the clashes permanently occur between his forces and the IS. He did not want to be filmed because of military rules in Syria, so he appointed a civilian, with whom he works, to represent him.

"There is the town of Khirbat - he says. - It is considered the second capital of the IS. "

Recently, the Syrian army has organized a large-scale offensive in the north of the country, due to which it liberated big areas also forcing tens of thousands of local residents to flee to the Turkish-Syrian border.

The US say that Syrian troops, mainly fighting with moderate rebels and apply very little effort to the fight against the IS. However, the soldiers themselves say that this is not true. "Within three months, the IS has not moved forward a bit, but retreats" - he says.

Assad's army admits that the Russian air power greatly affect the situation. "From the moment when our Russian friends came, everything was much better - he says. -Thanks to them, we can make preventive strikes and monitor from the air to warn us about the attacks on the part of the IS. "

And they vowed to continue their offensive in the east - more deeply into the heart of the territory of the IS.

FRED PLYAYTGEN, CNN correspondent: Syrian commanders say they are going to attack. They predict that if all goes as it should, by the end of the year, according to them, they will be in Raqqa.
However, they are still far from this goal. In the past, the ISIS had already demonstrated its ability to recover after their losses.

Fred Plyaytgen, CNN.
Material provided by CNN International.

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