"Roskachestvo-Halal" opens territorial office in Dagestan

1 минута

The Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan, Abdulmuslim Abdulmuslimov, met with Kazimir Bairamukov, Head of the Certification Body for Products and Services of Roskachestvo-Halal at the XV International Economic Forum Russia - Islamic World in Kazan.

During the meeting, both parties agreed that Roskachestvo will open a territorial representative office in Dagestan based on the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Dagestan. The Prime Minister of Dagestan noted that it has long been planned to develop the system of voluntary certification established by Roskachestvo in the region.

The system will also be compliant with international standards adopted in Russia. It will allow the issuance of certificates providing applicants with the right to use a conformity mark and other benefits. The representative office will operate with the support of the regional Ministry of Industry and Trade.

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