Dagestan and Chechnya become leaders in number of self-employed

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Dagestan and Chechnya have become first among Russian regions in the growth of self-employment mainly due to a combination of factors, including the unique economic conditions and the dynamic nature of the local labor market.

Every year, more and more Russians choose to become self-employed in order to pursue their entrepreneurial endeavors. Interestingly, Dagestan and Chechnya are leading the way when it comes to growth in the number of people opting for this status. Last year, the number of self-employed people increased significantly in Dagestan, Tyva, and Chechnya, with three-fold growth in each region.

It should be noted that the main reason for this rapid growth in self-employment in these regions can be attributed to the specific economic conditions. People in these areas are often forced to seek alternative sources of income due to a lack of stable employment opportunities or low wages.

The self-employed status provides an opportunity to start a business with minimal formalities and costs. Additionally, for many residents in these regions, self-employment has become a means of self-fulfillment and financial improvement. Thanks to the simplified tax system and the lack of need to register a business, they can quickly begin earning money doing what they enjoy.

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